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Light it Up Red
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UFO (Autism)

The Portal
Make WWW Great Again
Mount Paozu
DOS/Win9x Game Shrines
Town of ZZT
The Quarry
Library of Babel
Red Forest
Haunted House
Macula's Maze
Reptile House
Wildcat Den
The Scratching Post
The Portal (Front Page)

UFO (Autism)

Per-Bast (Bast)

Geo City (Make WWW Great Again)

Mount Paozu (Dragon Ball)

Mystery Mansion (DOS/Win9x Game Shrines)

Town of ZZT (ZZT)

Observatory (Astrophysics)

The Quarry (Coming eventually!)

Library of Babel (Rants/Guestbook)

Red Forest (Coming eventually!)

Haunted House (Creepypasta)

Macula's Maze (Coming eventually!)

Reptile House (Sisters of Mercy)

Wildcat Den (About Me)

The Scratching Post (Updates Archive)

The Dock (Links)

The PortalUFOPer-BastMake WWW Great AgainMount PaozuDOS/Win9x Game ShrinesTown of ZZTThe ObservatoryThe QuarryLibrary of BabelRed ForestHaunted HouseMacula's MazeReptile HouseWildcat DenThe Scratching PostThe Dock

Autism Information From an Actually Autistic Adult

Please don't be turned off if the bright, pink colour scheme in this section isn't to your liking! You can adjust the colours using the Theme Selector on the top left hand corner of the screen. Currently, a Light it Up Red colour scheme inspired by the anti-Autism Speaks slogan of the same name and plain dark and light themes for people who do not want anything remotely colourful are present. The code for this Theme Selector was created by Christopher Heng and can be found on his exceptionally useful website Site Wizard at this link. If you have any problems reading the material on this site and/or have any suggestions for additional themes, please feel free to contact me! I'm always happy to hear from people. (:

Welcome to the UFO! This section is dedicated to Autism Spectrum "Disorder" (ASD,) a highly misunderstood neurotype that I want to share my perspective on. The discourse on autism is unfortunately still dominated by (sometimes maliciously) ignorant neurotypicals instead of actually autistic people, and I'd like to use my little corner of the Web to attempt to mitigate that.

Like many other autistic people, I don't consider autism to necessarily be a "disorder," a disability, or a mental illness. It is a neurotype - a different way of being wired mentally. While it is true that there are many autistic people that have mental disabilities, this is only part of the story. Autistic people are simultaneously more likely than non-autistics to have very high IQs and very low IQs. According to a report by the Dutch Autistic Register, 16% of autistic people have IQs above 130, compared to only 2.3% of neurotypicals.

You may have noticed the rainbow infinity symbol in the "Autistic Pride" button at the bottom of each page (and in the shiny header in this section). This is a popular symbol for autism in the autistic community that many prefer over the more commonly used puzzle piece. The latter symbol was created by non-autistics and was intended to represent the false idea that autistic people are some sort of enigma that cannot be understood. The rainbow infinity symbol is meant to represent the infinite diversity of the autism spectrum and the people on it. More on all of this later.

The name and theme for this section are references to the commonly expressed sentiment that being autistic makes one feel like they're an alien living on the "wrong" planet. The fact that it gives me an excuse to give the page a funky theme doesn't hurt either. (:

Some of the terms that I will be using in this section are ones that most people are unfamiliar with. If you see a word that you don't know the meaning of, you can hopefully find an explanation for it in the autism-related terminology subsection below.

If you want to check out some more helpful autism-related resources on the web, you can find some informative (and humourous) sites about autism in the Autism section over at the Dock.

Understanding Autism
Animated UFO. Autism-Related Terminology - Last updated on 23 July 2021
Animated UFO. Examining the Relationships Between Autism and Personality Disorders - Last updated on 17 October 2021
Animated UFO. Intense World: The Autistic Theory of Everything - VERY important article, Last updated on 17 July 2021
Animated UFO. Intense World: Some Additional Ruminations - Last updated on 09 January 2022
Animated UFO. The Double Empathy Problem - Last updated on 17 April 2021
Animated UFO. The Operating System Metaphor - Last updated on 27 April 2021
Animated UFO. Things Autistics Wish Neurotypicals Knew - Last updated on 25 July 2021

Understanding the Autistic Experience
"Autism-tinted" sunglasses. Autistic Inertia: A Double-Edged Sword - Last updated on 22 January 2022
"Autism-tinted" sunglasses. Discovering My Autism as an Adult - Last updated on 02 May 2021
"Autism-tinted" sunglasses. Life Through Autism-Tinted Glasses - Last updated on 11 April 2021
"Autism-tinted" sunglasses. "Odd" Autistic Behaviours, and Why We Do Them - Last updated on 17 January 2022
"Autism-tinted" sunglasses. The Strange Case of "Autigender" - Last updated on 05 June 2021

Autism Acceptance/Pride
Autistic Pride symbol. Autism Acceptance vs. Autism Awareness - Last updated on 02 April 2021
Autistic Pride symbol. Autistic Pride - Last updated on 14 February 2021
Autistic Pride symbol. Helpful Accommodations for Autistic People - Last updated on 26 November 2021
Autistic Pride Symbol. Why We Need Autism Acceptance and Pride - VERY important article, Last updated on 05 September 2021

Advice and Help
Purple book with rainbow-coloured question mark. Life Advice to Younger Autistics, Part 1 - Last updated on 26 January 2022
Purple book with rainbow-coloured question mark. Life Advice to Younger Autistics, Part 2 - Last updated on 06 February 2022

Debunking Disinformation
Anti-"autism speaks" symbol. Common Autism Myths - Last updated on 05 October 2021
Anti-"autism speaks" symbol. Debunking the "Autism Epidemic" Myth - Last updated on 19 April 2021

Autism Theories
Beaker filled with rainbow-coloured liquid. Articles coming soon!

Laughing kitty. Neurotypical Disorder - Last updated on 18 February 2021
Laughing kitty. You Know You're Autistic If... - Last updated on 24 January 2021

Construction Zone, Headphones Recommended More sections coming as soon as I have time/motivation to make them!